Initial Notes from Kickoff

This image is a set of notes from the kick-off. We were initially trying to capture a set of hypotheses/questions which could be verified or answered using data about Scottish Transport.


Two pieces of work were suggested:

  1. A Data Map of Scotland - containing layers of geospatial data to be used to explore various sectors across Scotland, including transport, energy and medical data. This map can be published online for users to explore the data how they please, potentially driving insights.

  2. Hypothesis Validation for Data Insights - we take some of the hypotheses generated in the kick off and see whether we can validate them using transport data for Scotland. These insights/validated hypotheses can then form the basis of a piece of Zuhlke marketing content, with an engaging message backed up by real data, showing how utilising data from multiple sectors together can be a powerful tool for change.

Proposed Outputs for Data Map of Scotland

Ideation for datasets which could be used for both 1) and 2)


Proposal for Work Streams

Work Stream Description
Scotland Data Map Produce a web application which layers multiple geospatial datasets concerning transport on a map of the whole of Scotland.

To start with, this includes the road, ferry and train network and layering this with extra information (e.g. timetables, usage statistics).

This can be used going forward for any Scottish datasets. | | Scottish Transport Insights | From selected hypotheses, conduct targeted data analysis from anecdotal stories to prove data can be used to validate these hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1 There will soon be too much demand for distribution network capacity (e.g. via Electric Vehicles) at ferry ports in Scotland. Specific anecdotal example - Corran Ferry, Highland, Dan Klein

Hypothesis 2 The traffic flow in Scotland does not meet the ferry and train timetable well. Specific anecdotal example - Ullapool, Highland, Dan Klein |

Below are some extra notes captured for the hypotheses (which need to be written up properly)
