<aside> 👉 These webpages are details of our work described on these pages of the Zuhlke website. Please read that webpage first:



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These pages are our open-sourcing of our workings through our exploration of the Scottish transport network’s data. We examined 14 datasets, including public transport access points, road network details, as well as train, ferry, bus routes and timetables.

In this work we show how we found several issues with the available open datasets. Some datasets were outdated, and others had unstructured data or were missing information entirely, which is not in line with ODI’s.

Table of Contents

Initial notes from Kickoff

This image is a set of notes from our initial kick-off. We were trying to capture a set of hypotheses/questions that could be verified or answered through research using data about Scottish Transport.



Here are two of the main hypotheses we set out to test

Hypothesis 1 There will soon be too much demand for distribution network capacity (e.g. via Electric Vehicles) at ferry ports in Scotland

(Initial specific anecdotal example - Corran Ferry, Highland)

Hypothesis 2 The traffic flow in Scotland does not meet the ferry and train timetable well

(Initial specific anecdotal example - Ullapool, Highland)

Approach to testing

We determined to test our hypotheses through two stages of work

  1. Enabler. Creating a data map of Scotland - containing layers of geospatial data to be used to explore various sectors across Scotland, including transport, energy and medical data. This map can be published online for users to explore the data how they please, potentially driving insights.
  2. Hypothesis testing. Validation for data insights - we conduct tests using the map to validate hypotheses generated in the kickoff using transport data for Scotland, showing how utilising data from multiple sectors together can be a powerful tool for change.