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We proposed a Conceptual Solution that included a data model that could be used when storing and exchanging consent data within an organisation. We expect that management of a data model would be an efficient means for demonstrate they are compliance with ICO regulations (GDPR) for when working with personal data at scale and in complex environments, such as when data exchanges are required between numerous organisations.

However, the operationalised use of a data model requires practical tooling relating to ingesting, storing, ,governing and processing consent data and associated consented personal data.

In this page we demonstrate a coupling of such a data model with a universal data exchange format (JSON). This is one solution for enabling consent data to be shared between organisations in an efficient, automated and standardised way.

When receiving Consent Data a standardised data exchange format not only allows for the reduction of manual labour associated with checking and validating received data, it also enables proactive data quality management through the use of automated feedback to the data provider.

To exemplify what we mean, we have created a mock-up of a data journey taking place across the interface between organisations.

Energy Data Journey

The image, below, defines an initial data journey that crosses the boundary between two organisations.

Double-click to expand

Double-click to expand

Key features

Term Definition
Data contracts A data contract is a documented agreement between parties that defines how data is to be shared between those parties, typically including format, schema, timeliness, and any limitations
Rapid feedback loops Short feedback loops can improve data quality by enabling data producers to make corrections early on, rather than having to deal with data quality issues later on. By receiving quick feedback on the quality of the data they produce, data producers can identify and fix errors or inconsistencies promptly.

This short video explains more about the data journey.

data quality journey.mp4

Below, we have segmented the data journey into 6 steps, explaining the technical activities that take place at each stage as data is exchanged between organisations operating in a marketplace ecosystem.

1.) Customer Gives Consent

2.) Initial Data Storage

3.) Sharing consent data with another organisation